Oomer Bot
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Last updated
Create an Oomer wallet by simply doing the following:
Open Telegram
Open a chat with Oomerbot ( https://t.me/OomerBot )
Type /start
This will automatically generate an Oomer wallet for your associated telegram user id and your Oomer interface appears.
As you can see your Ethereum address is displayed. Also, do not forget to write down your private key! You can view your private key by clicking "Reveal Private Key 🔑".
For this tutorial we are going to be clicking "Open Wallet 🚀".
Most of this is self-explanatory. However, for the more important features I will be have subsections to explain these in more detail. You can find these subsections at the bottom of the page.
Deposit 💸- Replys with a QR code to deposit to your account and shows your address
Withdraw🧾 - Withdraw ETH, ERC20 Tokens, or unwrap ETH.
Token Balances 📊- A summary of your trading history and your ERC20 Token balances.
History 📜- All transaction hashes you have made in the past few days.
Volumebot 🤖- Links to the volume bot.
Gamblebot 🎰- Links to the gamble bot.
$OOM Token 🪙- Allows users to exchange their $OOMER for $OOM.
Rev Share Stats 💸- Shows your current revshare from other users.
For buttons: "Swap | DCA" , "Launchpad", "Airdrop" have their own subsections that are more detailed so please continue to each section to understand how to fully utilize Oomerbot.